Monday, January 4, 2010

Who Stole My Sleeper?

O.M.G. The screaming. The crying. The little eyes staring at me!

B has been a great sleeper pretty much since she was 2 weeks old. Until the last few days. Oh holy hell in a 14 pound body. We've been putting her to bed at 6ish, like we've been doing for 5 months. She falls asleep right away. Tonight she even fell asleep in my arms while I was feeding her at about 5:30. Two hours later... the screaming! Last night I was ready to get in the car at midnight and just drive around when she finally fell asleep.

Even now as I type this, she's out here in the living room in the exersaucer chatting away to herself and all the toys on it, because putting her in the crib just results in a tear fest, and I'm pretty sure the neighbor upstairs doesn't really want to vacuum again tonight like he has for the last three nights, presumably to drown out the screams. I'll be baking him cookies as an apology asap.

I think it's got something to do with solids. We started them last week, and it's totally messed up her eating schedule. I've got to nail down a new one before I lose my mind. She was ok the first few days, but now she's up to 2 tablespoons 3 times a day, and then doesn't want to drink. The pediatrician recommended giving her the solids, then a bottle, but she has no interest in the bottle if I do that. Switch it around, and no interest in food. I've got to space them out. That starts tomorrow.

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